
Сообщения за ноябрь, 2022


                          Second day  Hello everyone.Today we have been again in the Ark.But we all gather for another task.It was taking a video of interview about talking with foreigners. As you can see,we met a person who was from England(London).He was very sociable and friendly man.He said us,he came to our country in order to get acquainted with Silk Road.Also,he shared his impressions with us.It was absolutely adventurous day for me😊 I extremely liked to talk with native speaker.It is a good way to improve our English.In the next time I try to do it again

Magoki Attori

                   THIRD DAY IN BUKHARA Today,we have been to ,,Magoki Attori''mosque.It was very encient and absolutely magnificent.I will share the pictures with you: It was very interesting for me watching inside of masjid.And finally we entered into the mosque,Honestly it was really attractive and it's encient windows amazed me,I liked them very much It is the place of ,,Imam''who is the head of musilmans.  Also,you can see external appearance of ,,Magoki Attori''it is absolutely beautiful then your imagination I came home with lots of impressions.It was a great day for me.In the next days,I will show your another magnificent part of city😉

Round around Bukhara

 Today we went to the ancient  part of Bukhara with coursemates under the control of our teacher.In first day we entered plenty of museums which contain several types of dresses which are in an old fashion,also pieces of national architecture.They were absolutely r efined and magnetic.Also,there were lot's of beautiful national dresses which were very ancient In the next day,we have been to again in Ark.But we were gathered for another task.It was really interesting and funny then yesterday.The task was making an interview with foreigners about city and Ark.So we found a person who was from England.He was so sociable and friendly.Also,he shared his impressions with us.Moreover he suggested us to his motherland😊 This is a picture  Of my work